BASI Pilates
BASI, an acronym for Body Art and Science International®, was founded in 1989 by Rael Isacowitz. BASI Pilates is headquartered in Newport Beach, California (international official website: Today BASI Pilates is spread worldwide in over 40 countries, with over 200 Studios (Hosts) and over 20,000 certified teachers. It provides internationally recognized training as well as the Pilates Method Alliance. BASI Pilates is an academy for the training of Pilates teachers whose mission is to support and perpetuate the work of Joseph and Clara Pilates by educating teachers of the highest level. The BASI training is anchored to anatomy, physiology and scientific principles, but also places the emphasis on the aesthetic quality of each movement. BASI Pilates preserves the classic repertoire and essence of Joseph Pilates’ philosophy, complementing it with contemporary experience and scientific knowledge.
Rael has over 30 years of experience, practice, and teaching as a leading Pilates method expert. With a rich background as a dancer, athlete, yoga, as well as Pilates, Isacowitz brings in his teachings unparalleled competence combined with the passion for his work. He has been a member of the Pilates Method Alliance, continues to support this organization and others in numerous countries, striving to establish and maintain the integrity of the Pilates technique. His book “Pilates”, translated into Italian as “Pilates Technical Manual” (Calzetti and Mariucci editors), was chosen as the best Pilates book not written by Joseph and is an example of clarity and completeness. In 2014 the second edition came out, translated into Italian in 2017, which is a reference for many teachers all over the world.
BASI represents an excellence in the training landscape to the Pilates discipline. It offers a complete teacher training program, as well as continuous in-depth studies and additions (Advanced Education) ranging from the study of specific aspects, to master-level workshops and international symposia. Our teachers (Faculty) are unsurpassed as teachers and mentors, all our staff are dedicated to the support of our students.
The training course of BASI Pilates Italia also offers access to a portal of complete lessons (free during the course duration) with over 100 lessons in Italian held by Faculty or assistants to be able to exercise during the training period (https: // pilatesinitaly /). As well as free access – both as a student and as a BASI teacher – to study at the headquarters in Prato to observe teachers’ lessons, practice tools alone or to meet up with colleagues and training companions.
Joseph Pilates certified only two teachers during his lifetime, Kathy Stanford-Grant and Lolita San Miguel. Today, spurred on by unprecedented growth in Pilates over the past two decades, tens of thousands of Pilates practitioners are teaching the method worldwide. Many of them are true professionals, but there are many others with dubious or non-existent credentials who have taken advantage of the unregulated nature of the discipline. Pilates enthusiasts must be able to trust the legitimacy and caliber of their instructors. Likewise, those who aspire to practice the method professionally must be assured that the educational program they choose will provide them with a successful and lasting path. Perhaps no Pilates teacher training program is larger than that offered by BASI Pilates®.